What Is A Mens Rea Example?
Mens rea goes to your intent, your mind, your brain, when you do an action. For example, in criminal cases the majority of criminal crimes constitute an intent, you must prove that the person intended to do that which he did. For example, if I punched someone in the face and I intended to do that, that’s a crime. That’s assault. I didn’t act, the act was actually making contact with my fist to his face, but the main component of the crime is did I mentally prepare myself and that I’m maliciously doing it? Did I knowingly do it? The answer is yes, then I have the men’s rea. There are certain situations where you do an act then you don’t have the mens rea. For example, if I punch the cameraman in the face but I am on a prescription drug and I completely black out and I have no idea what I’m doing and I cannot control my body, I cannot control my mind, then I do not have the mens rea. So I cannot be charged with assault because I don’t have the mens rea. I don’t have the specific intent to do what I did, even though I did it. Men’s rea is basically my mind knowing what I’m doing and my mind carrying out the conduct of which I did.